
GORE? protein capture whitepaper comparability affinity chromatography

Comparability in both product quality and chromatographic process characteristics between a Protein A affinity capture membrane and a packed-bed resin reference was demonstrated using a set of proposed criteria. Product quality attributes and process impurities from a purified IgG1 monoclonal antibody cell culture harvest were comparable between Protein A resin and membrane affinity stationary phases, with the membrane demonstrating order-of-magnitude higher chromatographic productivity.

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Für optimale Leistung und Haltbarkeit von elektronischen Ger?ten im Au?enbereich. Damit elektronische Ger?te im Au?enbereich zuverl?ssig funktionieren, sind intakte Geh?usedichtungen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Whitepaper als PDF herunterladen.



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Does your Headlamp Design Delay Condensation Clearing?

clear visibility white paper lighting automotive

Protection Against Condensation

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Optimizing the performance and durability of outdoor electronics. For electronic equipment to function reliably outdoors, intact sealing of the enclosure is vitally important. Download White Paper as PDF.



了解為何純電動汽車的前照燈比工作溫度更高的內(nèi)燃機前照燈更容易出現(xiàn)凝露,以及與其他透氣方式相比,戈爾?(GORE?) 汽車防水透氣產(chǎn)品為何能夠更高效地在汽車整個使用壽命期內(nèi)提供有效的凝露清除和可靠防護,從而為BEV駕駛員和集成式前照燈傳感器提供清晰視野。



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Toyota case study powertrain

Learn why Toyota Motor Corporation chose to partner with GORE? Automotive Vents when other venting solutions could not meet Toyota’s performance requirements for a new e-axle containing lubricated gears and a higher-voltage e-motor. This Case Study outlines the associated challenges, solution and results — including an on-time product launch for Toyota.